United States Air Force Academy

located in Colorado Springs, Colorado

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Why the Air Force Academy??

Our mission is to educate, train, and inspire men and women to become officers of character motivated to lead the United States Air Force in service to our nation. The United States Air Force Academy is the nation's premier institution for developing leaders of character.

So, what will these standards and goals mean to you as a Cadet? Everything. More specifically:


You will have a well-developed and adaptive intellect. You will be capable of carrying out the Air Force mission in a complex, ambiguous and dynamic environment. Become an effective communicator: able to present thoughts and ideas in clear concise terms.

You will become adept at using teamwork as a primary mission context.

Officers must bring a global perspective to national security issues.

You will achieve technological proficiency, applying knowledge and skills to the unique tasks of the military profession.


You will be of forthright integrity, voluntarily deciding the right thing to do - and then doing it.

You will be selfless in your service to our country, the Air Force and your subordinates.

You will display a commitment to excellence in the performance of your personal and professional responsibilities.

You will respect the dignity of all human beings.

You will be decisive and take full responsibility for your decisions.

You will develop the self-discipline, stamina and courage to do your duty well under the most extreme and prolonged conditions of national defense.

You will understand the significance of spiritual values and beliefs to your own character development and that of the community.


Take pride in your profession. You will be predisposed to a career of service to the Air Force and dedicated to a lifetime of service to the nation.

You will be devoted to lifelong personal and professional development.