Food Service at Hesperia Community Schools

Hesperia Breakfast and Lunch Programs!

Hesperia Community Schools participates in the National School Breakfast Program (NSBP), the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), Michigan's 10 Cents a Meal, and the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP).

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Hesperia Community Schools is a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) district. This means all students eat breakfast and lunch for free.

CEP Benefits

  • All students have access to free breakfast and lunch.

  • Household applications for free and reduced-price meals are eliminated.

  • All that is needed is an Education Benefit Form, which can be found in the link below.. 

  • You only need to fill out one form per household.

These forms are critical for us to receive all of our state and federal funding for our students.  All information on these forms is confidential

There are 2 Ways to complete this form

  1. Paper forms can be turned into the office or directly to Dana Gierzak, Director of Food and Nutrition.

  2. The online link below will complete it instantly and send all information directly to Dana Gierzak, Director of Food and Nutrition.

Ala Carte Sales

Ala Carte Sales are available in the Middle School and High School Cafeteria's during Meal Periods. Unfortunately at this time we do not accept online deposits into your students account, however, you may send cash or a check made out to "Hesperia Hot Lunch" with your student in a sealed envelope. Your student may give this to either the office or directly to the cashier in the cafeteria during meal periods.

All menus follow the USDA meal patterns to ensure students have a healthy well balanced meal.

Ala Carte items are "Smart Snack Approved" with reduced calories, fat content, and reduced sugar.

Allergen Disclaimer

If you have a food allergy please be aware that the recipes, ingredients, and meal pattern used for the breakfast and lunch menus may contain or had contact with peanuts, nuts or other possible allergens. If your student needs dietary accomodations please print the Special Diet Accomodation Form under "Forms & Information" Tab and return to the office or directly to the Food Service Office.

Director of Food and Nutrition

Dana Gierzak

Director of Food and Nutrition

(231) 854-0509, ext. 8680


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Food Service Program powered by The Nutrition Group