Art Mural Project

🎨 Exciting News for Our Community! 🎨

A huge thank you to Mrs. Grimard for her hard work in securing a $9,000 Artist in Residence Grant through True North! Hesperia was chosen as the only Newaygo County school to receive this grant, allowing our 3D art students to create a large-scale community art piece using recycled materials.

The artwork will be 42 feet long and nearly 7 feet tall, attached to the fence near the lift station at Vida Weaver Park. To make this project a success, we need your help! Please save and donate clean plastic and metal lids to the art room over the next two months. See the attached flyer for other needed materials. We will need all colors, but especially blues and greens to bring the design to life.

Let’s come together to create something amazing for our town! Spread the word and help us collect materials! ♻️🎨

#HesperiaArt #CommunityProject #RecycledArt

Art Mural Project